First Aid Kit
Non-exhaustive list, for informative purposes only.
Show this list of medications to your healthcare provider, as only he or she can advise you according to your state of health, possible allergies, and any potential harmful interactions with any medication you may be on.
• Caution :
If you have any allergies and have an injectable treatment kit (such as Epi-pens, adrenaline or corticosteroids), remember to bring it along with your prescription for it.
• Material and products :
Scissors and a single-use scalpel
20-30 Sterile compresses (30x30cm)
Velpeau type (adhesive wrap) bandages
Adhesive bandages (Urgo type)
2nd Skin type bandages (for blisters on feet)
Saline solution (10 single doses)
Dermal Betadine antiseptic solution: 10 single doses, or one vial (for wound disinfection)
Hexomemide solution: 10/OOO, 1 vial (wet dressing for deep wounds)
Biafine cream, one tube (for skin irritation and sunburns)
Urgoband sports tape (12cm) for compression in case of sports injury
Micropur for water disinfection: box of 100 tablets (1cp for 1 liter)